Photography Tips
4 Ways To Get the Most Out Of Your Portrait Session
So, you hired us to help create real stock images of your business/ company and now, you’re ready to start using these gorgeous shots to elevate your brand! You'll want to use them quickly and get the most impact! Here are 4 quick-and-easy ideas to help you make the most of your images!
1. Social Profiles
Considering how much time people spend on social media everyday (I'm on it right now) take a few minutes and optimize your profile photo and your cover photo on each channel.
Standard image sizes for major social networks are as follows:
Facebook profile picture: 170 X 170 pixels
Facebook cover photo: 828 X 465 pixels
Twitter profile photo: 400 X 400 pixels
Twitter header image: 1,500 X 500 pixels
Google+ profile picture: 250 X 250 pixels (minimum)
Google+ cover photo: 1080 X 608 pixels
LinkedIn profile photo: 400 X 400 pixels (minimum)
LinkedIn custom background: 1584 X 396
LinkedIn cover photo: 974 X 330 pixels
LinkedIn banner image: 646 X 220 pixels
Instagram profile picture: 110 X 110 pixels
Pinterest profile picture: 150 X 150 pixels
YouTube profile picture: 800 X 800 pixels
YouTube cover photo: 2,560 X 1,440 pixels on desktop
2. Website
Your website promotes you 24/7 on the world wide web, showcase to people who are unfamiliar with your work exactly what you're about.
Pages that could include great images:
3. marketing collateral
Marketing collateral is your platform to tell your story. This platform provides many avenues for images to live.
Collateral Ideas:
Case Studies
Sell Sheets
FAQs (which are very helpful for a disruptive technology)
4. PRINT ADvertising
Print is still a top-of-funnel medium. It’s really for establishing brand worthiness in the marketplace, for establishing the value of a brand, and for communicating very broadly, with broad reach, to the right target audience.
Forms of Print Advertising that still work: